Vegan Chocolate in St Peters
Sanga’s retail menu will transport you right back to the milk bars of your childhood. Complete your sandwich box with vegan versions of classic soft lollies: creamy milk bottles, pineapples, and strawberries and creams. Dulwich Hill chocolatier the Vegan Chocolate Co makes the dairy-free Wagon Wheels and chocolate Timmys (a honeycomb-filled layered biscuit like a Tim Tam), plus shiny chocolate bars marked “cherry”, “coco” and “sneaky” (respectively like versions of Cherry Ripe, Bounty and Snickers bars), rich in cocoa butter. Vegan baker Fresh and Frosted is also supplying huge lamingtons – think Iced Vovo-inspired, classic and Biscoff.
Excerpt taken from: broadsheet.com.au - Click to read full article